ST guide Buonconvento cover

    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento coverBack in April, MET staff members Dani and Lorenzo set off to ride from the
    MET HQ in Valtellina to race in Nova Eroica in Buonconvento. Dani takes
    care of Digital Communications and Lorenzo is one of our Product
    Designers.ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    8 days
    lots of rain
    1 train
    endless brioche
    hundreds of bananas
    and many Pandas
    ST guide Buonconvento cover

    After numerous days on the bike time blurs into one and it becomes
    difficult to decipher dates and hours, it is then that the people and
    places bring definition to the mirage of adventure.

    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento cover

    ST guide Buonconvento cover


    On a hunt for warmth and shelter from the rain we found ourselves taking
    refuge in the small town of Berceto. We soaked up some Spritz and then
    headed for pizza. The walls of the pizzeria were plastered with
    unforgettable paintings, all of which were created by the friendly
    restaurant owner.

    ST guide Buonconvento cover

    Sunday was what we had been waiting for—Nova Eroica. We set off on the
    course which was 130km. The route was beautiful and the short but steep
    climbs were relentless yet the gravel made everything delightful. Tuscany
    is a real haven for riding. Lorenzo raced the masses to cross the line in
    17th, this meant that he was through to the second race of 36km where he
    finished 12th and was 3rd in his category.

    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento cover
    ST guide Buonconvento cover

    The painful journey home of 6 trains and 1 bus over 12 hours didn’t bode
    well for the punctual arrival of holiday blues but we’re still thinking
    about the next adventure.

    ST guide Buonconvento cover

    Stay tuned for the next adventure.